Cost analysis

Have you been looking at your books and know you are losing revenue? Do you have rough patches in your manufacturing process? Not sure if you have the right people in the right place, making the right products for you? These are some of the major issues faced by manufacturers across the globe, usually with no resolution. The good news is that you have found LP2 Solutions.

We can help inject over forty years of industrial experience into your manufacturing. Our services will help break down everything from the boardroom to the shipping dock and every little step in between. We’ll dissect many views of your current setup and ask questions like:

  1. Are you satisfied with your current operation?
  2. Where are the breakdowns we need to focus on?
  3. Who are your people and what roles are they in?
  4. How is your material flow?
  5. How closely are you monitoring the quality of your products and what are you finding?
  6. Are you priced properly?
  7. Is there monetary leakage?

These are just a small window into just some of the high level pesepetives we’ll take as we try to peel back the layers of your business and processes and dig into what we call the 5 P’s:

  • People – the right skills for the job, training,
  • Process – is it efficient, cost effective, where and how can it be improved
  • Products – conform to all dimensional standards, quality, properly packaged
  • Pricing – competitively priced to the market
  • Profit – ensure that its profitable and if not make the necessary changes to price and process

We’ll make sure to handle the area you want to address, but also make sure there’s nothing hiding a step or two further that could have larger, unknown impacts.

The solutions we can help introduce are not complicated. There are no ERP systems or big expensive software suites to spend money on. We run most of our calculations through excel workbooks we have crafted over years and years of experience and can analyze, prioritize and see-through answers faster than most would expect.

Reach out to us to just have a conversation. The first step is always just asking questions.

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